Prof. (Dr.) D. P. Singh
Director- Amity School of Architecture & Planning, Noida
Conference Proceedings%272016 final PDF for full coverage
Amity School of Architecture & Planning (ASAP) Amity University, Noida have been imparting education in the field of architecture since 2005. Under the guidance and leadership of founder president Dr. Ashok K Chauhan the institute has always endeavoured to associate with the professionals and thinktanks in the planning and architecture field to work towards the development of built environment.
Based on this aim of contributing towards built environment ASAP strives to assume a new role to provide a platform for deliberations and knowledge exchange for betterment of the Indian cities. Based on this background a ‘ National Conference on Exploring the Role of CSR in delivering Sustainable Smart Cities’ discussing the processes, policies and possible initiatives involved therein for building smart cities was held on the 7th January 2015 at I-2 Moot Court Auditorium Amity University, Noida.
The conference was a series of discussions centering around 3 technical sessions of approximately 1and ½ hours. Each session was strategically structured to cover the issues of policy, governance, good practices, community engagement, institutional strengthening, corporate involvement and viability. Each technical session included a 15-10 minute presentation/talk by the expert, followed by a question and answer round and conclusion by the panel moderator.
Technical Session I was focused on defining and understanding the scope of smart cities and discussing the policy ambit of CSR. Further, the session evolved to align the CSR needs with the probable smart city needs.
In the end panel moderator Dr. Vikas Goswami concluded that CSR has its own set of process to contribute towards environmental and sustainable issue. However, there exist intense opportunity to explore its involvement in contributing towards the marginalized sections and services of the cities.
Technical Session II revolved around sustainable achievements of CSR & PPP innovative actions in urban amenities sector. Smartness in terms of governance, waste management, energy management, urban mobility etc. was discussed. For a cohesive & comprehensive development of a city into ‘smart category’ it requires not only involvement of Centre, State governments, but also public & private sectors (CSR) & citizens.
The session chair concluded that the need of the hour is bringing social innovation with social engagement for less commercially viable services, like sanitation, waste management & open space amenities for urban poor.
Technical Session III explored about the innovative sustainable initiatives for smart developments, specifically in the area of renewable, community participation and greener interventions in existing services to make them smarter & sustainable.
The session chair Dr. Shaleen Singhal concluded that the conference theme is of very vital importance in current development scenario. Discussions and deliberations that have taken place set a background for carrying the conference outputs forward by further converging it into a follow-up workshop or roundtable.