By Kritika Juneja
Architects In New Territories
(Exploring Opportunities)
In AWE Interacts, this week on Tuesday, 19th January, 2021, had guest speakers Tanya Khanna, Founder Epistle Communications, Anish Rakheja, Founder Krescon Group, Deepika Gandhi, Director, Le Corbusier Centre, Chandigarh Architecture Museum, and Jessy Jacob, Founder Fit The Soul.
Debate was on exploring new opportunities, helping young architects, take that one step of bravery towards their zeal, even if their education background does not align with their profession. The moderator for the discussion was Dipika Tuteja, Founder In AWE, who set the ball rolling with examples from across the globe, of the architects in new fields of passion. She also cited the advantages of studying Architecture, that prepares one to get into any field.
The discussion started with Deepika Gandhi, Director Le Corbusier Centre, Chandigarh, with the question that what are the challenges for the long-term career growth as an architect? She explained that how architecture gives the flexibility to reinvent at any stage of life and allows to deal with the people at all levels.
The answer was seconded by Anish Rakheja, Founder Krescon Group, with his firm belief that an architect is multi-dimensional. He talked about his journey from being an architect to a coach. He further elaborated how architecture could be combined with any field giving it a taste of uniqueness, similar to what tempering does to any dish.
Jessy Jacob, Founder Fit The Soul, expressed what it took her to identify her passion and leave architecture behind, after a successful practice of 19 years. With all the social and emotional factors aligned, she chose to move away. She allowed herself free from the restrictions, which were self-created, therefore giving birth to Fit The Soul. She also suggested to introspect and find your own passion.
Tanya Khanna, Founder Epistle Communication, agreed to Jessy and further elaborated her idea of choosing marketing and advertising as a mainstream after completing her architecture. She explained how important it is to bring awareness about architecture among the common public. The discussion revolved around how only star-architects are being getting noticed but the architecture around us and architects behind, are always unknown.
The whole discussion concluded with the fact that architecture is limitless and if you have that zest to do something unique, be brave enough to accept your instinct and work for it.