Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of our Company’s activities. We believe that it is our responsibility to minimize any of the negative impacts arising out of our operations and products, on the environment or on the society. We believe that having prosperous and content communities around our manufacturing facilities is important for our own sustainability. Our initiatives in the social sector stem from this belief. Under our CSR initiatives we have chosen to make positive contribution to society in areas of local community development, road safety and skill development. We have created a robust organisation structure with the right mix of competencies and skill set to engage with communities and efficiently implement our CSR projects. In addition, we have forged partnerships with the government, our business partners, not for profit organisations to scale up and give a multiplier effect to our social initiatives. Through our current projects, we actively assist communities in identifying, prioritizing and meeting their developmental aspirations. Maruti Suzuki intends to provide certain urban infrastructure services in the communities which are around its manufacturing facilities. The Company believes in designing projects which helps in creating an enabling environment at the same time which creates sustainable impact. The Company mapped currently practiced sanitation models of the villages and Government schools in Haryana by understanding the triggers and barriers for the people in the villages for practicing various un-healthy activities. These triggers are used to further design and implement projects to provide 100% sanitation facilities. We have undertaken projects to improve the availability of resources and upgrade solid and liquid waste management facilities in villages and schools.

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